Qualifications & Experience
Karsten Allen, 21, Lafayette, IN.
- Years Experience in Blender 3d
-Years Experience in Adobe Products
-Years Experience in pencil sketching
-Experience in ProCreate for iPad
-Experience in Machine Learning Tech (AI)
-Years experience in digital art creation
-TestOut PC Pro Certified
-Microsoft Associate Certified

Why Digital Art?
Since a young age I've been obsessed with listening to stories. I enjoy hearing about the human experience and I especially love when people can take their stories and create art from it. This is what motivates me every day to create artwork. Sharing stories is one of my the best parts of being alive and it's my goal to share that love with the world..

How I Create
To create my art I use a variety of programs. The most common of which are Blender, Procreate, Unreal Engine, and Photoshop. I use Blender primarily for 3D creations. Such as single renders and short animations. I use Procreate for two-dimensional digital art, like digital paintings. I use Adobe products for after-effects editing and color-touching.
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